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What causes my eyelid to twitch?

My eyelid sometimes blinks uncontrollably. Does anyone know what causes this symptom?

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According to Chinese superstitions, the left eyelid twitches to indicate good fortunes coming soon, and the right eyelid twitches to forecast bad troubles brewing. Not sure if you’ve noticed, but both eyes almost never twitch at the same time.

01:14, 4 May 2011

Robert Derbyshire

Ignore this answer if you really mean the eyelid, not the area under the eye, but if the area under your eye is twitching, this is a minor infection which can be resolved with eyedrops and antiseptic cream.

21:34, 3 May 2011


An eyelid twitch is a general term for involuntary spasms of the eyelid muscles. It is most often caused by fatigue, stress, and caffeine. Eyelid twitching usually disappears without treatment. In the meantime, it might help if you try to get more sleep, drink less caffeine and lubricate your eyes with eye drops. In case of the following, your doctor should be contacted immediately: - eyelid twitching does not go away within 1 week; - twitching completely closes your eyelid; - twitching involves other parts of your face; - you have redness, swelling, or a discharge from your eye; - your upper eyelid is drooping.

00:35, 3 May 2011

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